Saturday, June 15, 2013
39 520的由来:鱼和水的爱情故事
This is a Chinese post, which is copied from elsewhere on the Internet (OH THANKS GOOGLE :))
It all triggered from a question by Chun asking me about 520 and I needed to double check. Found this story so sweet and touching my heart teared a bit whilst reading. It so happens that I stumbled upon this line below for sometime ago already, and just that two lines moved me to the extent it's on my Facebook profile heh heh. Anyways enjoy! :)
海说:我知道, 因为你一直在我心里
水说:不! 我感受到了,因为现在,你在我心里。
Saturday, June 8, 2013
38 Interact
Haven't blogged in nearly a month, and there's so much things that happened.
This month, I've finally stepped away from Interact. Here's some photos from the Investiture.
Senior & Junior Exco with Mrs L
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With pwetty successor, Mel :) |
To be honest, I did have qualms about my juniors. I was afraid about a lot of things - how they would commit certain mistakes by ie not thinking through, how the exco dynamics was going to be worrying, how they already saw that a huge obstacle would stand in their way when it comes to planning and executing events. And then I looked back, I saw us. I saw the exact worries our seniors had thought about us.
What made this journey remarkable, was how we managed to end our year beautifully. Our seniors wanted us to go upfront and force our way, we didn't. I know it sounds totally unlike me, but I learnt that sometimes you have to work your way around things. And we managed to get the best out of things. And I'm really proud of that.
Yes, we certainly have an individualistic Exco, and many a times word would spread about all the problems we face. How we ran into trouble with our teacher, how we have miscomms etc etc. It wasn't easy, there were times we just needed time out from each other. (Most of the time from L haha) But I'm glad, we didn't walk out - we didn't just admit defeat.
Keep Holding On was one of the songs I listened very frequently in this journey.
I nearly gave up at a point in time. It was miserable - I didn't start off amazing with L. We had a major row - something she still insists that is my wrong - when we were having General Elections, in front of the WHOLE CLUB. It was truly embarassing to have just broke down in front of everyone, and yes it was not right for me to shed L in such a position, but it was really too much for me to handle. I remember how I cried for two whole days, in between/during classes, to different teachers - I was shakened. I felt wronged.
When I was offered my post - I was equally overwhelmed. "Can I work with someone like L?" was a repeated question. I didn't know if I could work with K either, considering he was more.. passive. I didn't know how this was going to turn out - and true enough we spent our first month trying to figure our approach, attempting to understand what will go on from here. And we came out equally lost.
However, through the journey, we improvised. Sometimes, we get whacked back down to the ground. We stood back up. We held onto each other - so tight that there were bruise marks - but we walked as a team (wounded all together haha) Up till now I still think it was amazing how we managed to come this far. L learnt to trust us, she gave us liberty (albeit a limited amount), she grew together with us!
K and I would try to see things from her view and try to settle any minor details amongst ourselves before sending it to her, so that we would minimize chances that gets us shot. It became a self-check thing, that all of us would do. We would watch out for each other's back. Despite it sounding cliche, Disney-ish, it was happening in real life. Believe it or not, I think we ourselves didn't realize, we were growing into a tiny family.
I think ThePianoGuys' Canon in D was similar to our journey - rocky start but in the end everyone did enjoy themselves and have fun along the way ;)
In this journey, I made a lot of amazing friends - those that I will hold on for a lifetime. So many crazy people that came together, for a common cause. So many like-minded people who tried to help the kids despite all the frustration that led from their uncooperativeness. To quote of one of my favourite batchies,
At the end of the day it really just boils down to the friendships made and the people whose lives we have helped/touched #interactorforlife-Hui Qi
Drawings for tutee :) |
And it is true in so many ways. I remember times I would drag myself after a long hectic day to CCA just because it is a commitment, and these kids will just put that frown upside down. I remember the older kids who would help us look after the small kids, those who just want to play us by making them chase us around. It reminds me so much of how I first started this journey of after school tutoring.
I first volunteered with Singapore Youth For Christ, somewhere introduced by my grandpa in Sec 3. It was in AMK, and I was in charge of 8 kids together with Ian (who is currently in ACJC, oops small world haha) We would go through school work together, and then play time. Play time was the highlight of my Thursdays. We would play soccer or catching, and in the midst of that - a special spark/connection would be formed between the kids and I (okay Ian too ahha, even though they always bully him)
I wrote something along these lines in my Interact Recruitment form, but it remains something I firmly believe:
"I always enjoy working with kids. Even though they might be the younger ones, but there is always so much to learn from them. They teach you to think simple, to be direct and to have fun. There's no complications - just genuine, heartfelt interactions and love."
Okay, there's also my batchies to thank. I guess I was really fortunate, I was given the chance to by in two IGs. And I think that is entirely God's will.
I didn't feel comfortable to move out of my comfort zone at first. I loved my Delta kids, I loved my IG3 batchies whom are equally spastic and chicken loving. Leaving them, for another group of people who seemed less crazy made me feel sad. But how wrong I was! Through time, I gradually found my place. Given the option to choose to be with IG2 or IG3, I was with IG7 HAHAHHA.
The latest wall painting session - which was also my last commserve session, everyone was all smiles, working together to leave a legacy for these kids. We had paint wars - c'mon you can't miss out the fun when you're working right, and we just talked, like old friends. The juniors even got us a cake and sang us "We're sorry you're leaving" in tune of "Happy Birthday" :')
This doesn't mean that I don't belong to IG3 though. These people are the ones I've planned to go for trips around the world with, those that I will go shopping and doing crazy things together. The vibe you get from these people, actually the picture alone, can tell you how much they mean to me.
I love my juniors too! I've had so much fun times just talking rubbish everyday and doing crazy things with them I feel sad just to not spend time with them. Honestly, I've never had close juniors as per se, and I'm glad that now I have juniors! (And yes haha juniors for JTS aka Juniors Treat Seniors :P)
Also thank you, to my classmates and friends who have been supporting me all these while. How you guys will ask if I was okay, going through the pain together with me. Constantly reassuring me that these times will pass - also to all your generosity for supporting Interact's fundraising events haha. How you guys will listen to my ramblings/late night rants when I get so pekcek, a listening ear means so much :')
Why am I writing this post? You see, emotional baggage took its toll on me - I always had problems letting go. I've been thinking these days, "what will happen after Interact ends?" "Can I really go into 100% mugger mode just for As, and just totally forget Interact?"
My answer is Interact is for life.
I've never regret joining this journey - it made me realize that my existence is to help. A lot of people see service as a platform to get to where they want (click) and in the process, some of them find the passion in serving. I hope I can encourage more people to join me in this meaningful cause, for it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
I have so many wants - to embark on trips to places such as Smokey Mountain, just like Wai Jia did. (Highly recommend you to check out this inspiring young lady here! She's someone I really look up to :) You might like her books( where all proceeds go to charity - even the money from her goes elsewhere too!) I want to work in a Soup Kitchen after As. I want to go around just hugging people and playing soccer with kids, barefoot.
But right now, everything has no choice but to be held on pause. But I look forward to what awaits me upon the completion of my As. Right now, I've to learn to let go of Interact and let the juniors to take charge. Right now, I am just going to be fulltime muggerkid95 8D
"Home is now behind you. The world is ahead."-Gandalf, in "The Hobbit", by Tolkien
Or maybe, you would like to hear this from a different perspective, my buddy Eugene here has a post that you might love :)
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