Life's been a mess recently, and I don't know what I'm doing. But I do know I need anger management issues. How I wish As was over and I can happily go out all day and roam about, or that I have devoted myself into blogging much earlier, and not during this period whereby I am forced to study all the time.
I have a lot of photos and experiences parked in my phone - those that I want to blog about include my first time supporting my beloved fencers in their competition, (I didn't know Malaysia had a sports school, and I didn't know that we even had fencing as a sport - anyways so gonna take on fencing after As, it's listed right there on the right side on my blog :)) I wanted to do a review for Grin Affair and The Tiramisu Hero, probably the only few awesome cake-in-the-jars sold in Singapore, I want to write about my Girls' Night experience with Yvonne, whereby we went to NOOKS House of Pancake and the Premiere of Iron Man 3.
Unfortunately, life has been such that I'm stuck here talking to you when I'm supposed to be doing Math. Managed to complete 2 worksheets this afternoon so phew haha. For April, it was a lot of birthday celebrations, Elect Camp and stopping myself from crawling away from reality time after time. In May, tons of lecture tests coming up, and a very grand project - also the last one that I'll be involved in for Interact is in the next month. Of course, weekends are packed too - there is Huang Cheng (bottom right), annnual HCI Chinese Drama club production. Always loved Chinese drama - and HC does a spectacular job every year. This year, my pal Soo Thong's brother is the lead actor HAHA. There has always been a saying that Huang Cheng is dominated by Malaysians, definitely true for senior batches. Not true for us. Here, the juniors are continuing the legacy now haha. Our batch is an anamoly :P And then the Faculty Outings are all going to happen. This year idk what is Athena's theme.. but last year it was WICKED, about witches and wizards.. and I was the fac witch so does that mean I'm gonna get caught this year T_T
And there are loads and loads of good shows coming out this year...
On my watch list there's Iron Man, Fast Six, Star Trek, Despicable me, Smurfs, Percy Jackson, and Hunger Games! So freaking excited I don't even hehheh. 2013 is a good movie year :) Looking forward to all the good movie dates spent with awesome awesome people this year! June holidays I'm already planning to meet my beloved Malaysian bitches and it's got me bubbling with excitement (but I've got to ground myself to stop procrastinating and refusing to do work)
Side note, I've really been into online shopping recently. And yes it was all because of The Tinsel Rack. HAHA They have my favourite set of models - I'm more for Ding Xuan and Cheryl than Melisa tho ahha. I have always wanted to get overalls and it is the picture of the left that got me so excited - also the start of my journey. Later purchased the stripey dress and others heehee.
I've concluded that this unhealthy obsession has to stop tho - or else I'll just spend hundreds online all the time. But for your reference, I prefer The Tinsel Rack and Gipsy Pixie the most, or maybe the occasional Love Bonito. People do prefer The Closet Lover too. And it's also because of this unhealthy obsession I've found many of these models' blogs to share.
Anyways other blogs you might love to read (in no particular order) includes:
- Beatrice -
- Velda -
- Miyake -
- Rachel -
- Melissa -
Heh if you wanna look for cute guys I would recommend heehee ^ ~ ^
Sorry that this is a bit girl bias hahaha anyways I doubt many guys read my blog please. But nonetheless, I would recommend all of you to check out Naked Glory! They have most classic statements I've seen since a long long time - considering it's Casio, it comes quite affordable to some too! When I first laid my eyes on these pair of silver Casio watches my heart melted omg! I LOVED IT. But dammit hahah no bf to buy for or else I confirm buy a pair. Y'know someone actually told me instead of a bf I should find a girl to lesbo with HAHAHAHHAHA. I mean yea it's possible but HAHAHHAA. Anyways the world map watch, as you can see below, is the current craze in Singapore, I have no idea why too. But do check out this shop :))

LOL Enough of my advertorials, like I v popz liddat haha. It's just my random bloghopping and stumbling into people's blogs heh. I find the blogosphere a very very interesting one. Like you can find joy and laughter in blogs such as my favourite Audrey's blog ( I find her my favourite among the Cheesie, Xiaxue, Audrey, Bongqiuqiu group(basically popz bloggers group) and hey she's expecting her first child too hahaha. I love her sarcastic posts, super darn funny. That reminds me, previously Aud said that she finds this person in Formspring who is very funny, and after checking it out I totally agree with her haha. Come I shall document her responses before Formspring shuts down for good. I think it's very funny luh, you should read hahahah.
Anyways yeah haha all the crap heh, now I'm feeling all happy and merry teehee. Like this you know:
PS Apple Bloom is like my favourite pony since forever. And will be my favourite one.
Ending off with a very nice and soothing oldie from 张学友 - 在你身边 :)
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