Tuesday, November 26, 2013

52 Things You Have To Learn On Your Own

Would just like to share this beautiful piece of writing I stumbled onto Thought Catalog the other day. The end is near, less than 24 hours to freedom and then 9 months of uncertainty in addition to the fear and excitement of entering a new phase of life. But I just want you to remember that you've come this far, and I am extremely proud of you :)

This post is titled, Things You Have To Learn On Your Own,  found here:


You have to learn to be strong. Strength is something that people often see as keeping one’s self together at all times – never falling and never failing. The truth is the strongest people fall a lot and they fail a lot, but they always endure. Strength is gained from trying, it is gained from participating fully in life; it is gained from facing your fears and from persevering, and picking yourself up after you’ve fallen greatly. No two people have the same strength because no two people have the same experience. We all have our limits but our greatest strength is discovered when those limits are tried and tested. But you have to learn strength on your own.

You have to learn to be happy. Happiness is not something you can buy or earn, it is something you are and have; it is a state of mind. Sometimes people believe if only they’d get a certain job or move to a certain place or get to be with a certain person, they’ll be happy. But it doesn’t work like that. Happiness is something that you choose despite all the difficulties that you face. And even in the midst of life’s painful events, it is a choice that you can make. Happiness isn’t delusional or pretentious and it does not ignore suffering, but it is the choice to be grateful and count one’s blessings in spite of suffering. But you have to learn to be happy on your own.

You have to learn to forgive. Forgiveness is one of the most difficult lessons because being hurt is part of the nature of existing. The most difficult people to forgive are the people who are close to us; the people who we love the most. It makes sense of course, those who know what make us most vulnerable have the power to hurt us greatly. And in their human imperfection, they inevitably will. But forgiveness sets you free because hardheartedness cripples you; you are the one who doesn’t feel free when you don’t forgive. And as much as forgiveness is also for the one who errs, it is more for the one who is wronged. But you have to learn to forgive on your own.

You have to learn to love yourself. Loving yourself is an enigma because on one hand, there are many ways in which you and I are great – there are truly things about us that are wonderful and inspiring. But we also have shortcomings and these shortcomings cause us to question our self-worth and whether who we are is enough for others; whether who we are is enough for ourselves. When you love yourself, you accept your good with your bad and you realize no matter how imperfect you are, your beauty is greater than your imperfections. But you have to learn to love yourself on your own. I would like to learn all these things to perfection, and I would like to teach them to others especially those who need it the most. But I have found my practice of these things imperfect, and my teaching futile, and I have found myself to be a hypocrite. I am not always as strong as I should be, or happy, or forgiving, and I do not always love myself. So perhaps the most important lesson I have learned is that all of these things that I have to learn on my own are things I’ll spend my entire lifetime learning.

PS: OMG I'm becoming OCD like Jiawen and Steph.. now I justify all my documents all that PW training and highlighting with a ruler omg I'm becoming OCD ><

PPS: So so thankful and grateful for the help and love extended to me during this period I do so wanna talk about it but I have geog.. Okay gotta press on!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

51 Since when?

After a crazy day of sciences (since I conveniently forgot that I have a chem paper tomorrow), I decided to just own down the thoughts that ran through my mind the whole afternoon.

The reoccurring question was, since when? Since when did we become so fixated in results, since when did we let grades determine our happiness/guilt? Since when that grades took over our heart, mind and soul? Since when did a 60/70/80 become so important? Isn't it troubling that one string question that you couldn't solve during the math paper left your heart troubled that you had to find out if you were correct after your paper? 

It's true when we say that an "A" doesn't matter in comparison to those who lost their homes in Typhoon Haiyan or the Sichuan Earthquake. But I believe when you make comparisons, you have to look at the context and make sure it's a fair comparison. 

Sure, the meritocratic society in Singapore emphasizes on creme de la creme, and you'll only get a scholarship when you're the top 3%, and everything important "as a student" is getting into deans list, honor roll et cetera. But I can't help to wonder, is this all just a title? A name? 

Was strolling around during break, and saw this poster "Singapore's first ever Filial Piety Award". I was not shocked, but I was confused. Do we have to give monetary awards, for people to write it their glorious deeds when all these was once a highly valued practice? Edusave award, Character award... They do serve (in a way) to acknowledge the people for their contributions, but it just seems as self promotion to some, and "a fancy title to add into my portfolio for many". 

You might say I'm hypocritical, esp when I myself am one of the finalists for NYLA. It's true. I did have a long list of reservations for it because I didn't want it to be like a star-studded thing. To be honest, there were times I was just there just for the sake of people there. But it was a learning process. A very unique one in fact. But I can't help to ponder the purpose of submitting an application singing praises of yourself? 

I think most of the time it's special circumstances to make you do so - my case, to over and done with to please L and get her off my back during blocks. I didn't expect myself to go this far. But are there so many coincidences in life for everyone? 

Since when did academic achievements become the benchmark that gauges the life of a student? Today my sister told me, "you need to learn to get less attached to your grades". Yeap I surely do need to. To enjoy the learning process - from hating math to slowly loving it again; from knowing nothing about geog to adoring it.. 

There's a lot of things in my A levels journey that sums up to "slowly, but surely". If I had been given enough time to slowly explore my way through, I would definitely be happier. To quote a friend, "I love to learn, but not to study", that's definitely the case for so many people out there. But we must remember that grades will only define us if we let them too. At least I have to, for some things in life are greater than others. 

Come what May. Oops, I mean March. 

*edit: my mind was frazzled yesterday, so is it right now. It's all about the heavy focus on relativity isn't it? How much we must be better than our peers, how much we have to score/earn.. Isn't it just sad?