Haven't been in touch with the social media world, more cooped up in my own world thinking of random things and past experiences. Haven't even wished everyone a happy 2014 ahhaha. Even my instagram/twitter is equally stagnant. Post As (I refer as after A level papers, before uni) so far has been a very eventful one?
After Prom and all the dressing up, I spent December at Steph's hanging around and saying goodbye. I had a great time having dinner with special groups of people such as Soup Restaurant impromptu dinner (Coviegoh you owe us photos for this) and clubbing & table manners for the last time in 2013 (still like how cool clubbing sounds but don't get me wrong, I'm saintly - country clubs are totally fine :D)
Going to TMCC is always coupled with a meal at Table Manners because it's just so damn good (and relatively cheaper than posh restuarants in town). So far there's overwhelming postive reviews (
Hungrygowhere rates it 93%, not bad eh? Not bad at all) and I've been telling people staying in the East about it, pretty sure they must be tired of it haha.
Photo from ladyironchef.com, his review is here
(It's a print screen from their Facebook page, don't ask hahaha)
(Top left) Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, Sauteéd Mushrooms
(Top right) Salmon, Truffle Fries, Sauteéd Mushrooms
(Bottom left) Medium rare steak, Truffle Fries, Pomodoro |
The buttery mashed potatoes are really soft, melts right in your mouth! Must try! The mushrooms are so fragrant and flavourful I couldn't forget it after my first try here so haha. The meat isn't very very special, probably something that can be prepared at home but it's rich in texture and flavour so I really won't mind dining there again and again. For a meal like that it's probably $16.50. The interior of the place is awesome too - they sell furniture in the mean time, but I guess for me it's more important to take note of the food hahaha .
Last meal in Singapore with the favourite people down below! Happy family :D
Featuring Beijing Kao Ya we'll get whenever we go clubbing - other than playing pool, futsal and wii! Shin finally stopped screaming like a chicken when playing futsal hahaha. Also, the rest facepalmed when I took a photo of the duck cause everyone stopped for me to take that photo.
Okay other than that I also went for the #ChurpChristmasTour2013! Churpchurp invited a few lucky people to their office and I happen to get chosen :) It wasn't my first time there - I recently won a Taylor Swift Enchanted perfume from the Bobostephanie giveaway so it was my second time at their office (Speaking of this I'm pretty guilty cause uhm, I haven't been active on Churpchurp for quite sometime, guess it's time to go back ahha)

Here's a photo from the @churp2 instagram cause uhm, I didn't go around taking much photos? It's probably time I should start bringing my camera and stop using my phone. So pardon the grainy images! Maybe my phone is bringing me too much convenience I haven't been using them HAHAH. Anyways, just wanted to say the
Humble Beginnings Mille Crepe cake on the second left is awesome! It's even cheaper than Secret Recipe, which standards have dropped to idk what and I would definitely go for this and/or RT pastry! We played a bit of introductory games then went around the few offices.
For those of you who haven't heard of Nuffnang and/or Churpchurp, you
locked yourself under a well have got to be kidding me! It's been gaining much attention from almost everywhere in the world and please do yourself a favour and head to
http://netccentric.com/! It's definitely a company with an awesome working environment with a lot of consideration for staff welfare - if you've been reading their blogs, Churpies and Nuffies have monthly birthday celebrations/sports days/outings and free movie premieres etc etc. So if you don't want to miss up do sign up here -->
http://my.sharings.cc/p/6xLd0. Also a good way to earn some pocket money. HAHA my friends have been hearing all about Nuffnang and Churpchurp and how I want to work for them so much I think they sien diao alr haha. I was planning to join them for an internship but I guess school's starting so maybe I don't have much of that chance anymore ): Nuuuuuuuuuuuu. But nevermind. Can still work there full time next time :D
Anyways if you guys don't really get in touch with such stuff, Nuffnang's co-founder Tim (
timothytiah.com, probably more familiar to you guys as
Audrey's husband who did the
meme proposal - seriously proposals always make me all teary eyed and stuff, I know right, I'm such a typical girl. But do read it here
http://fourfeetnine.com/2011/12/11/the-proposal/ I shared the link with Jing and yes she's in love with Audrey and Fighter and you can't help it Audrey is soooooooooooooo funny! Speaking of that it's her birthday today haha coincident?) posted on his
blog about the whole Netccentric Christmas competition - Nuffnang and Churpchurp are under a company called Netccentric, and they have other companies like RippleWerkz and Jipaban based in Singapore. Basically each department is given a small token to design their place, and compete to see which department is best designed! And yeah we happen to witness the Christmas decorations just before it was taken down!

Like you can see, there are Christmas decos everywhere! The guy in the photo on the left is Tim! And on the right there's the Design team's cardboard Christmas tree and rainbow ceiling. Then there's the Tech team's design - talk about geeky look at the third right photo! Made from keyboard letters so tech ahha. I find their idea of making a christmas tree on the ceiling ingenious haha. Even though it wasn't so obvious.
Later on we headed upstairs, (yes their offices are on two different floors) to the Nuffnang, Churpchurp and admin team. On the bottom right, if you look closer it's like this passport thing (see below) we each get before the trip, and will get stamped as we go to each department. We also have a goodie bag to fill our stuff! We were very very fortunate to get a Churpie each when we reached the Churpchurp department!
Photo from Jacinta, who also blogged about her trip here |
I will specially highlight about the Churpchurp department since they won the award! I'll let the pictures do the talking first :)
From the left most photo, we see Amelia, our lovely host holding the Wrecking Ball. Did I mention their theme was Meme? So it was memes everywhere haha. On the wrecking ball you can see Tim and his newly born son Fighter, and the rest of the team haha. The decorations featured were all handmade too! Totally like it was bought from IKEA or somewhere professional right. When we reached the Nuffnang department I was a bit too lazy so hahah check Tim's link
http://timothytiah.com/2013/12/16/christmas-decorations-in-the-nuffnang-and-churpchurp-offices-2013/ for all the photos.
Up till now I really find that I know quite a lot about Nuffnang/Churpchurp and about what's happening since I've been constantly keeping myself in the loop, not that I wanna brag but even Ser Li, the HR executive who interviewed me said so hehe. So I do hope y'all get a peek to why I love this company and want to join them so much :)
In December I also managed to head down to my annoying Fab's for lunch with her family :) I didn't manage to snap photos - yes I'm lazy hahaha - but I had a great time enjoying the simple yet delicious lunch made by her mum (and her yes ok give you credit). I shall feature this awesome cheesecake that is light in texture, but rich in flavour. I must say I love the base cause it's chocolate haha. Will attempt to bake this when I finally move house. CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE.
Anyways coming up next I'll be talking about my travelling filled January. I really need to keep myself motivated to blog haha. Also, I've been thinking about how bloggers normally will have to put their face on social media platforms - something I'm not really keen to do cause I find it shameless. But gah OOTD shots are really fun especially now I'm not doing anything. Then again, I'm a hobo - not much OOTD to take anyway haha. Thanks for reading, see you, bye! :D
Sneak peek for the post :)