This one month has been one hell of a ride, breaking into new comfort zones and getting used to a course with much rigour, but I thank God for your presence in my life for I wouldn't have had loved what I've been doing for the past one month.
Tonight is a night I'm especially thankful for you - after a night of cell (a first!!) that left me with only warm, fuzzy feelings albeit worshipping with a group of nearly strangers. Thankful for you leading me closer to God, thankful for you always being there for me. Thankful for everything you've done for me :')
My experience with God has only been reaching to greater heights, and I'm actually looking forward to where it brings me to. Even though I am not sure how long is this meant to last, I just hope you remember how you've impacted me - in so many different ways possible.
Love you brah ;) x