Friday, January 25, 2013
23 A grand child's perspective
Hop on board & join the #ChurpChurp family and be ready for a fun and rewarding ride of your life! Freebies and $_$
Alsoooo, this site is quite cool! Check it out!
Friday, January 11, 2013
#22 Ping's first time
(argh my post just for deleted cause there's no auto save but anyway)Two weeks ago, I was notified by Churpchurp that I won a pair of tickets to the Hollywood After Party! *bimbo scream* (this is the first time I actually won something and went for it so yeah excited la! Summore to so atas place even happier lol /Aunty/) Actually I also don't know what is HAP la (I will short form it cause too lazy to type full name) so I went to google it!
I don't know if you guys can see what it says, but I was lucky enough to be given the chance catch the LAST EVER HOLLYWOOD AFTER PARTY 2013 HAHAHHA. Sounds interesting la, but a bit bohua on me for beer hahaha. But got free band, get in to see see look look and got one free drink, not bad at all :> so yeah luh why waste a nearly $50 bucks treat!
I went to loan camera from @coolchlo cause I know how much iPhone's night view photos kinda suck la, so yeah haha she forgot pass me memory card so in the end I had to go and beg and borrow from people haha. THANKYOU to all those who helped make this an even memorable experience for me since I get to capture them down in moments! And seriously Nex-5 isn't that bad a camera at all for people who love to use Auto and there are special features too :)
I was actually supposed to go with another friend to create some special memories but due to certain happenings I didn't. But THANKYOU Ping for agreeing to come up with me so impromptu and if not for you I would have went there to hobo alone lol.
Anyways, since I managed to find out that fireworks starts at 8, we just dilly dally our way there. I took Ping to take the monorail for the first time hohoho. She excited like dunno what like she's the non-Singaporean here please. She 'oooh' and 'aaah'-ed on the monorail HAHA. To the left you see her all dressed up so excited to keep her monorail ticket stub as memorabilia ahhaha.
See the irony of role reversal here HAHAHA. |
Shirt: London Tee bought from Grace
Shorts: Mangoooooo
Slippers: Havainas
And this was what the Singaporean kid Ping wore: Shirt+ skirt+flats. So not-Singapore!
It's seriously a very nice feeling to go for a vacation a bit out of Singapore! USS is very pricey to enter and of course you'll expect it to be heavily decorated, sure enough they really do try to make your experience as memorable as ever!
We first went to the river/lake bank to try to catch a fish. LOL NO, kidding la, cause look at fireworks ma! All the kiasu people sitting there and patiently waiting hurhur. Then the much anticipated fireworks did not disappoint, it was really really pretty!
Hee starting to get extremely proud of my photog skills HAHAHA After so long not holding a cammie I can still get some decent photos eh :p Some fireworks were really really loud. Like this. |
It started off as normal as this. |
And what did you know? Next second it was a really deafening BOOOOOM |
Then it reverts back to normal. A bit like PMS hahahah |
But nevertheless really really really preddy <3 |
they might be too busy making out haha.
(Top) Awesome rocker lightings! (Left) A mum clubbing with her kid haha. TSK TSK So young already know how to club |
We can go to counters to claim our free drinks! It's kinda badass like you getting your own bartender. So I went drinking..with three hot guys btw!! So excited right!!!
With coke. And the sesame street guys HAHA. You jelly? ;) |
Anyways we went around taking photos and squealing to really cute merchandise that we saw! USS has improved since last year I think, they are 'trying to catch up with the footsteps of the ever changing society and meet global demand' LOL Sorry was reading Econs previously. Anyways we really spent a lot of time taking photos with our happy faces and yes lol. Elmo was too cute to be resisted.
LOL This photo is from their photograph shop. I took it to looks as if I took this HAHAHA. Turns out not. |
ADORABLE CUPCAKES OHMYGOD. Too bad nobody wanted to buy HAHA. |
ME LOVE ME ELMO! BUY ONE FOR ME!!!! (Actually I like the cap better but ohwells ELMO SO KEWT!) |
Sweetheart Award to me *muacks muacks* |
What made me the happiest tonight was that I managed to share a 'first time' with my bestie, craze over Elmo and have my first ever 'clubbing' experience haha. I'm not really a clubber (and never will be) so this might be my closest ever limit to clubbing. And I jumped too much my feet hurts. But I think to promote school spirit, Hwachong should probably combine all four fac outings and come together to have a Hollywood After Party for all of us :) It's fun and it'll make us totally cool and let people be super envious! What do you think what do you think?
All in all, 050113 was a really good and meaningful day besides a lot of crap that happened :) I hope you had a good day too!
P.S. After story: Ping wanted to go to the washroom and I didn't. So I took her bag (along with her handphone and everything) and waited outside. Halfway I was so bored I decided to go in and wait for her. AND THEN HAHA This woman just came out and just walked out after washing her hands and combing her bangs and totally never see me okay! So I trailed behind her and took the following shots:
1. Trailing Ping 2. Panic. WTH is she?! 3. OH There you are!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
#21 Wedding Speech
I first scrolled upon this on my Facebook newsfeed. I thought it was just another sappy video that achieved like at least 4 shares from different friends that it became the "top post" on my feed. Initially, you see this:
Tom Fletcher starting his wedding speech, by saying that he hopes that he's not "cheating his way out" by singing. |
It was so sweet I couldn't help but to share it too!
Here's the video, prepare tissue papers my friends!
I'm really impressed how someone can just change the lyrics and adapt it into the song so well! Most importantly was that, it was a really romantic and sweet gesture that was sweet to the core. The most beautiful part was probably it was a public declaration for his childhood sweetheart he knew since 13. If I were Giovanna Falcone I would have sobbed to death right on the spot haha.
This is a modern fairytale: To marry your bestie, to tell the world she's yours and most importantly, prove how much you love her. Omg I think I'm in love with Tom Fletcher hahahah.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
#20 RTIN: Relationships
(RTIN means Random Thoughts In the middle of the Night heh. Easy label isnt it! It's like another title for 'RUBBISH')
Overheard this girl saying this the other day: "but if I say yes, I screw this up and you'll hate me for life eh!"
It was like wow, deja-Vu. It's like you reach that part in a relationship whereby you really don't know to advance or not to. You know it's either a hit, or if you suay you gonna miss. Say no and continue to (awkwardly) being friends or just say yes level up and suffer a disastrous heartbreak later on.
Where it is like how Taylor Swift feels that it 'Begin Again' or Wongfu's 'Strangers again' (as attached below), it's a whole 'Circleeeeeeeeeeee of Life'! (Lol ignore this,I was just trying to be entertaining LOL. Song title overdose)
First, you meet, thanks to fate. (seriously can consider naming my daughter Fate. Can you imagine "HELLO! I AM FATE. NICE TO MEET YOU!" I think I'll get lynched to death be other parents lol) and then due to something/someone you talk. And as you talk and understand each other more, and you text day and night and idk you just spout rubbish but the other party probably makes you smile so bright :) you slowly start to realize that the other person is beautiful - he/she is someone you want to be with for the rest of your life (or that it's actually a facade and you want to stay away lol).
And lo' and behold, you reach the previously mentioned staged whereby you're scared that you'll screw up and you'll just lose a friend. The flirtationship. It's like y'all act all close and everyone thinks you're together but you're actually not - more than a friend but less than a relationship. You both probably don't realize as you get comfortable to each other and start hanging out a lot.
Then comes to bit whereby you just wait. You wait for the guy to ask. (I shall assume we girls are all fairy-tale overdosed heavy romantics and sit by the window waiting for Prince Charming to appear in his white horse). And after that happens girls start to think to accept or not and stuff like that.
Actually I don't know about y'all but I think we girls actually wait for the guys to ask because we want to see how far will the guy go to actually get your approval (and of course we won't lose face if get rejected la). It takes a lot of courage for a guy to do that, a 50/50 chance for a 'yes' and 'no'. And that I admire all guys who actually proposed before, and condolences to those who got friend zoned. But it's like not a choice, you do have to understand that we friendzone y'all cause we are scared that after agreeing we'll probably never ever be friends again - and that probably will suck so bad.
Some people might tell me that nowadays more girls getting more direct and start the pursuit, but idk I think they already no patience I mean like wait for you like "idk how long you don't even show anything then I also don't know so I try and see if you really got feelings for me a not luh" mentality heh.
Actually this is my personal opinion on relationships, a friend once said that I am considered the pessimistic type in thinking about love (LOL seriously what I always picture get together --> married --> third party --> divorce, I think I just haven't met the right guy place total trust). However, I do think that you and your ex can always remain as friends given your past. I mean it will be super freaking awkward la, but if he's really meant to be your true friend then hanging out and chillin' is not bad right? Considering he probably knows you more now heh. Just make sure your current partner knows or else he/she might make a big fuss out if it la.
I also lost my train of thought and don't know what I'm talking about already haha. Actually idk I think I can safely say that LOVE IS BLIND (I'm not even kidding cause it really lowers your EQ for some reason, prolly cause you just start looking at all the good of a person) and you know, people whom you've never thought soul be together can always fit each other *ahem.
You know I totally blame Disney for instilling the idea that you'll find your perfect Prince Charming in life since young I mean even though they are fictional and everything but who doesn't love a happy ending? It's like aww so sweet right? I cry like every single time no matter what movie seriously like who ever cries for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?! (In case you're wondering I cried at the part when Sam was told that Brent is never ever gonna survive out of that weird machine) Oh yeah I cried in How to Train Your Dragon too! The last scene when Hiccup and Toothless were like hurt from the battle and everything!
And yes this is a totally MUST SHARE. This simply beautiful 7 minute clip from Up, the love story from Ellie and Carl, makes me tear every. single. time I watch it! Most beautiful story ever :'))
In my opinion, a suitable partner shall always be about how you complement each other and help each other grow in many different areas. Most importantly you must be happy and comfortable around them; and those who overdose make up y'all should probably let them see your clear face so they won't be too shocked after marriage :p On the hindsight, it's always nice to have someone who secretly cares for your needs to no? And for guys, being romantic is always a plus point yea! :)
Okay jumbled thoughts out of my mind so goodnight!! :) tell me what do you guys think about this k!
Sleep tight!! Update you guys soo :)
P.S. the 201314 thing is really bull crap to me cause I felt it was too desperate already lol.
P.P.S. my phone just fell on my face FML time for bed.
P.P.P.S Apparently I found out that there's more to the 201314 thing.
Overheard this girl saying this the other day: "but if I say yes, I screw this up and you'll hate me for life eh!"
Sounds like this to me. And this my friends, is called /flirtationship/.
It was like wow, deja-Vu. It's like you reach that part in a relationship whereby you really don't know to advance or not to. You know it's either a hit, or if you suay you gonna miss. Say no and continue to (awkwardly) being friends or just say yes level up and suffer a disastrous heartbreak later on.
Where it is like how Taylor Swift feels that it 'Begin Again' or Wongfu's 'Strangers again' (as attached below), it's a whole 'Circleeeeeeeeeeee of Life'! (Lol ignore this,I was just trying to be entertaining LOL. Song title overdose)
And lo' and behold, you reach the previously mentioned staged whereby you're scared that you'll screw up and you'll just lose a friend. The flirtationship. It's like y'all act all close and everyone thinks you're together but you're actually not - more than a friend but less than a relationship. You both probably don't realize as you get comfortable to each other and start hanging out a lot.
Then comes to bit whereby you just wait. You wait for the guy to ask. (I shall assume we girls are all fairy-tale overdosed heavy romantics and sit by the window waiting for Prince Charming to appear in his white horse). And after that happens girls start to think to accept or not and stuff like that.
Actually I don't know about y'all but I think we girls actually wait for the guys to ask because we want to see how far will the guy go to actually get your approval (and of course we won't lose face if get rejected la). It takes a lot of courage for a guy to do that, a 50/50 chance for a 'yes' and 'no'. And that I admire all guys who actually proposed before, and condolences to those who got friend zoned. But it's like not a choice, you do have to understand that we friendzone y'all cause we are scared that after agreeing we'll probably never ever be friends again - and that probably will suck so bad.
Some people might tell me that nowadays more girls getting more direct and start the pursuit, but idk I think they already no patience I mean like wait for you like "idk how long you don't even show anything then I also don't know so I try and see if you really got feelings for me a not luh" mentality heh.
Actually this is my personal opinion on relationships, a friend once said that I am considered the pessimistic type in thinking about love (LOL seriously what I always picture get together --> married --> third party --> divorce, I think I just haven't met the right guy place total trust). However, I do think that you and your ex can always remain as friends given your past. I mean it will be super freaking awkward la, but if he's really meant to be your true friend then hanging out and chillin' is not bad right? Considering he probably knows you more now heh. Just make sure your current partner knows or else he/she might make a big fuss out if it la.
![]() |
HHAHA I think this photo is really funny hahahaha. |
You know I totally blame Disney for instilling the idea that you'll find your perfect Prince Charming in life since young I mean even though they are fictional and everything but who doesn't love a happy ending? It's like aww so sweet right? I cry like every single time no matter what movie seriously like who ever cries for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?! (In case you're wondering I cried at the part when Sam was told that Brent is never ever gonna survive out of that weird machine) Oh yeah I cried in How to Train Your Dragon too! The last scene when Hiccup and Toothless were like hurt from the battle and everything!
And yes this is a totally MUST SHARE. This simply beautiful 7 minute clip from Up, the love story from Ellie and Carl, makes me tear every. single. time I watch it! Most beautiful story ever :'))
In my opinion, a suitable partner shall always be about how you complement each other and help each other grow in many different areas. Most importantly you must be happy and comfortable around them; and those who overdose make up y'all should probably let them see your clear face so they won't be too shocked after marriage :p On the hindsight, it's always nice to have someone who secretly cares for your needs to no? And for guys, being romantic is always a plus point yea! :)
Okay jumbled thoughts out of my mind so goodnight!! :) tell me what do you guys think about this k!
Sleep tight!! Update you guys soo :)
P.S. the 201314 thing is really bull crap to me cause I felt it was too desperate already lol.
P.P.S. my phone just fell on my face FML time for bed.
P.P.P.S Apparently I found out that there's more to the 201314 thing.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
#19: New Year Resolutions!
For the first time in my entire life I will set new year resolutions for myself!! :) *proud proud*
(As I am typing this I can see guys from the opposite dorm omg wth that means I'll probably have guys looking at me often this is perma weird wtheck.) Anyways so far the first page of 2013 seemed like I pretty good one, I woke up kinda late and chat with the besties (we all created blogs LOL) and completed I&I! I'm pretty behind schedule to complete the Interact montage and math but I guess I'm immersed in blogging for the moment so I shall let it be! So here are my New Year Resolutions!
1) To be more frequent blogger
For those of you who follow my twitter, I think y'all perma sien cause my twitter sometimes is like this one.
Like perma sien I always have advertorial one right? (Speaking of that I'm currently promoting
The reason why I turned to Nuffnang and Churpchurp is that I aim to earn some money this year la, but hectic As ma so bohbian can only do it by sharing these links and y'all help me click and I can earn like 10 cents 20 cents per click luh! Thanks to good Samaritans I currently have 3 dollars SGD in my account.. I prolly need to earn another 97 bucks to get the money T_T If only I was a famous blogger right omg ahhaha tough luck.) But hey you get to win certain perks by joining them too! See, I won tickets to the #USSHollywood After Party this Saturday, free of charge! What are you waiting for click here to join me in my quest of earning money.. slowly by Churpchurp HAHA.
Nonetheless, thank you avid readers for frequenting my blog! :) Below you can see the stats that I've achieved so far, I mean like wtf haha why would I even have readers from communist country like what hha. I don't understand also cause apparently Russians read my blog? heh okay noted can. I must be of some entertainment value *noshame*

Okay maybe the stats from Nuffnang would be more accurate here, like views maybe unaccurate cause y'all love reading that post and click to open and close and open and close for fun LOL. Uniques mean how many uniques viewers come to my blog la, idk if you all bohliao use 5 laptops at home and come to my page or not to make up 5 uniques. But yeah see December 23 I got 43 uniques ahhaha I got blog anything Christmas-y meh, must be cause y'all love my retardness thank you thank you!
So for this year 2013 I hope I'll be able to live up to your expectations and blog more about daily life and preach more hahaha. Just to keep y'all entertained in the long run. I'm not the type that will post my face and fashion one la, but confirm got food entries kay I try my best :) Or head over to my tumblr to see loads and loads of photos la :) But I might not be able to blog so much la since got As, but don't worry I'll make sure I come here at least once every fortnight k! :)
2) To try out at least 10 pastries that are highly recommended
I've always been really intrigued by baking and bugging for my mummy to install a new oven at home for me just to bake (it's tiring shit but like whatevs I love cake) so yeah like I plan to try as many of such pastries as possible before I finish my last year in Singapore! I currently have in mind Tiramisu Hero that has been highly recommended by famous bloggers such as Bongqiuqiu! (What's more I want a gratitude jar too!)
![]() |
(Screencap from |
4) Exercise more
Okay I need to start exercising more and utilizing the gym more often. I mean flabby arms and all. HAHAH I use to plan to do 20 crutches a day and well.... it never happened hahah. So yeah I should improve stamina and stuff I wanna swim cause the weather is hot and like idk have those kind of very slim hot body haha. Okay kidding but you get the gist: I wanna be a healthy kid :)
5) Spend lesser money, and to go out lesser
This year I plan to limit the amount of cash I'm gonna spend each week/month, try saving up and cutting down on the non-necessities such as KOI and teh-bing. Like serious. I'm gonna be a good kid and yeah hopefully even earn some through Churpchurp. And other than that, since most of the money I spend it's cause I go out and hang with people, I'll try to go out lesser, and thus having more time to study and don't come back late at night >< (Okay maybe once in a while okay but I really hate having to walk back that long stretch in boarding)
6) Find motivation in studies
7) To take a picture with the family whenever we meet
To be honest, my parents are slowly aging and well you never know what might happen the next day, so this year I vow to take a picture (with my iPhone or whatever) and merge it up to an album. I've always been some sort of a family person and I do absolutely cherish the time spent with time because I've not had a lot of time with my family members. So this year, I'm gonna document the days spent and so be it if June means 30 photos with them :)
8) To love myself
Yeap so these are my 8 major NY Resolutions for the upcoming year of 2013. Not gonna set much expectations to disappoint myself but at least now I know what I will put as my priorities for this year. A good start to know where I'm heading to right? :)
Did you guys write your own resolutions too? I'll love to hear from you! That's it for now and yes..
Happy New 2013 guys! Love you all x
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