Thursday, January 10, 2013

#21 Wedding Speech

I first scrolled upon this on my Facebook newsfeed. I thought it was just another sappy video that achieved like at least 4 shares from different friends that it became the "top post" on my feed. Initially, you see this:

Tom Fletcher starting his wedding speech, by saying that he hopes that he's not "cheating his way out" by singing.
It was so sweet I couldn't help but to share it too! 
Here's the video, prepare tissue papers my friends!

I'm really impressed how someone can just change the lyrics and adapt it into the song so well! Most importantly was that, it was a really romantic and sweet gesture that was sweet to the core. The most beautiful part was probably it was a public declaration for his childhood sweetheart he knew since 13. If I were Giovanna Falcone I would have sobbed to death right on the spot haha. 

This is a modern fairytale: To marry your bestie, to tell the world she's yours and most importantly, prove how much you love her. Omg I think I'm in love with Tom Fletcher hahahah.

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